


Construction of the Teacher Situational Judgment Test




趙子揚(Tzu-Yang Chao);黃嘉莉(Jia-Li Huang);宋曜廷(Yao-Ting Sung);郭蕙寧(Hui-Ning Kuo);許明輝(Ming-Huei Shiu)


信度 ; 效度 ; 教師情境判斷測驗 ; 試題反應理論 ; 質性分析 ; reliability ; validity ; teacher situational judgment test ; item response theory ; qualitative analysis




61卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


85 - 117




為提供師資培育單位在甄選師資培育學生時,更多元的參考依據,本研究建置教師情境判斷測驗,並進行信度及效度之檢驗。研究一自2010年起,進行教師情境判斷測驗的建置,並蒐集3,133位實習教師及正式教師之施測資料,以試題反應理論(item response theory, IRT)進行分析,檢驗測驗之信度及效度。研究一共建置75題試題,且試題之中有90.67%與Rasch模式適配。研究二自2014年起,進行試題的擴充,並蒐集了3,039位大學生之施測資料。經由試題分析,研究二共建置105題試題,總題數為180題。除試題分析外,研究二亦分析修習不同教育學程的學生,檢驗其在測驗分數之差異,提供已知團體差異之效度證據。此外,研究二利用資深教師團隊座談會之質性資料,進行內容分析,探討資深教師在面對教師工作上問題時,其作法判斷背後之意涵,提供更多的建構效度證據。本研究將就教師情境判斷測驗的概念、試題特性,以及編製實務等議題進行討論。


According to the ideal of having multiple measures of teacher education, this study developed the teacher situational judgment test (TSJT) for selecting student teachers. The TSJS was based on the hypothesis that the more similar a student’s thinking is to senior and high-performing teachers, the more likely that student is to become an effective teacher. In Study 1, we collected data from 3,133 intern-teachers and teachers to determine the reliability and validity of the TSJT. On the basis of the analysis of the pilot test and formal test, we retained 75 items. Furthermore, the internal consistency reliability of three of the TSJT booklets was exceeded .7. Additionally, the Rasch model analysis showed that 90.67% of the TSJT items fit the Rasch model. In Study 2, we developed 150 new items to expand the TSJT item bank, and recruited 3,039 college students for an item analysis. Subsequently, we further retained 105 items for the TSJT item bank, totaling 180. The reliability of each booklet was between .47 and .74. For the test validity, the analysis of variances indicated that the TSJT scores of student teachers were significantly higher than those of nonstudent teachers. This provided known-group differences validity for the TSJT. Furthermore, in Study 2, we also conducted a qualitative content analysis to provide additional evidence of the construct validity. This present study discusses the development and practical applications of the TSJT.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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