
學生知覺教師期望、能力信念、實用價值與內在價值對臺灣八年級學生數理成就之影響:以TIMSS 2011多層次結構方程式模型為例


Effects of Perception of Teachers’ Expectations, Ability Beliefs, Utility Values, and Intrinsic Values on Math and Science Achievement Among Eighth-Grade Students in Taiwan: A Multilevel Structural Equation Model Using TIMSS 2011




陳敏瑜(Min-Yu Chen);游錦雲(Ching-Yun Yu)


多層次結構方程式模型 ; 次級資料分析 ; 國際數學與科學成就趨勢調查2011 ; 期望價值理論 ; 數理成就 ; expectancy-value theory ; math and science achievement ; multilevel structural equation model (MSEM) ; secondary data analysis ; trends in mathematics and science study (TIMSS) 2011




62卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


59 - 102






On the basis of expectancy-value theory, multilevel structural equation models and trends in mathematics and science study 2011 data were applied to investigate the effects of the student-level variables (perception of teachers' expectations, ability beliefs, utility values, and intrinsic values) and their respective class-level variables on math and science achievement, and to test the mediation effect of ability belief between students' perception of teachers' expectations and the math and science achievements of eighth-grade students in Taiwan. The study revealed the following results: (1) The student-level and class-level structures exhibited differences. (2) At the student level, students' ability belief had the strongest effect on their math and science achievement; the class level of ability belief had a positive effect on math and science achievement. (3) Ability belief had a significant mediating effect between the perception of teachers' expectations and math and science achievement. Finally, according to the results, some suggestions for practical applications and future research were introduced.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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