


Longitudinal Research on In-Service Trainee Teachers Development of Self-Efficacy for Creative Teaching




蕭佳純(Chia-Chun Hsiao)


創意教學 ; 創意教學自我效能 ; 縱貫性研究 ; creative teaching ; longitudinal research ; self-efficacy for creative teaching




62卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


25 - 55






Self-efficacy for creative teaching is a primary antecedent for the development of creative teaching. In consideration of the current emphasis on creative teaching, in-service trainee teachers studying for master's degrees and their colleagues were surveyed regarding their growth of self-efficacy for creative teaching. The effect of personality traits and in-service training on initial state of self-efficacy for creative teaching and the time dependence of this self-efficacy were determined in this study. A total of 252 teachers were recruited and completed four surveys over a 2-year period; 126 of the participants were studying for master's degrees. Analysis through hierarchical linear modeling revealed the following: (1) The stress-resistance faith of teachers' self-efficacy for creative teaching linearly increased with time, whereas negative self-consciousness linearly decreased. Positive appreciation first increased and then decreased. (2) In-service trainee teachers were found to clearly outperform their colleagues who were not receiving training with regards to growth of positive appreciation and stress-resistance faith and mitigation of negative self-consciousness. (3) The personality traits of extraversion and neuroticism affected the growth trend of self-efficacy for creative teaching: neuroticism was found to reduce the growth rate of positive appreciation but enhance that of negative self-consciousness, whereas extraversion was discovered to positively affect the growth rate of stress-resistance faith. According to these results, suggestions are made for the reference of relevant actors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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