


The Study of Developing the Administrative Performance Evaluation System From the Perspective of Institutional Research




林安邦(An-Pan Lin);姜驊凌(Hua-Ling Chiang);莊雅婷(Ya-Ting Chuang);張國恩(Kuo-En Chang)


校務研究 ; 管理考核制度 ; 績效考核 ; institutional research ; oversight and evaluation system ; performance appraisal




64卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


241 - 265




校務研究的思維是以一套系統性的資料蒐集模式,能幫助大專院校自我研究分析,發掘校務治理問題,提供決策時的客觀參考,是提升高等教育品質與學校永續營運的重要方法。另一方面,學校行政具有主導學校營運的功能,對學校內的各類資源需做妥善且適當的規劃,因之,校務研究的管理思維若能融入學校行政,增進創新行政作為,大專院校應能達成總體發展目標。本研究以國立S大學為例,探討該校行政管理考核制度導入校務研究思維,並結合資訊化方式形塑出屬於S大學的管理考核模式,運用該專業機制,進行各項校務發展計畫執行、追蹤、考核、回饋與改善之管理,確保各項校務工作執行成效與品質。案例分析結果顯示,S 大學的管理考核制度融合了校務研究資訊支持反饋圈的概念,並履行了校務研究的五種角色,同時兼具品質控管及績效考核的管理方式,促使行政工作者的工作目標與校務目標有效整合,如此不但促進了S大學行政效率及效能的提升,並可從S大學逐年提升的世界大學排名得到佐證。藉此案例分析,期可作為其他大專院校推動校務研究及施行校務管理的參考。


Institutional research (IR) is a kind of systematic data collection, which enables the self-assessment action of the higher education, finds out the problems of the school affairs and governance, and provides the data based information for related decision making. Thus, IR is an important approach to improve higher education quality to contribute its sustainable development. The administration has a function which can guide the university's operation appropriately, which should combine the IR cogitation closely to improve the progress of the university's overall goals. This study takes public S University as a case and investigates its administrative management which integrates the IR cogitation and joints to informationization. S University develops its special oversight and evaluation system to check school affairs planning, tracking, evaluating, feedback, and improvement, and ensure these affairs' performance and quality. Based on the case study results of S University, we find the administrative oversight and evaluation system of S University not only combine the IR information support cycle but also implement the 5 roles of IR. By both quality control and performance appraisal of this system, the goals of administrative staffs and school can effectively integrate. This mechanism ensures the effectiveness and quality of administrative affairs and attains proof from the world university ranking of S University. By this case study, we wish to provide some views of IR study and implementation for other institutions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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