


Reading Policy and Reading Instruction in Taiwan




柯華葳(Hwa-Wei Ko)


悅讀101 ; 課文本位閱讀理解策略教學 ; 國際閱讀素養研究 ; Reading 101 (MOE) ; textbook-based approach to reading instruction ; progress in international reading literacy study




65卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


93 - 114




基於臺灣學生在PIRLS 2006和PISA 2006的閱讀表現以及當時學校語文教學和閱讀教育狀況,教育部(2008)推出「悅讀101-國民中小學提升閱讀計畫」,計畫期程為2008-2017年,主要工作項目有增加學校圖書量、設置圖書教師、推動閱讀策略教學等。本文將以推動閱讀策略教學為主,透過歷屆PIRLS資料與觀課,檢視10年間以經費補助研發、教師培訓等方式,學校落實閱讀理解教學的狀況。在閱讀策略教學推展上,經由教學實驗成果出版《閱讀理解策略教學手冊》加上專家學者提出「閱讀理解策略成分雙向表」,兩者作為師資培育教材編寫依據,並建立「課文本位閱讀理解教學模式」,設計教案供教師參考。在教師專業成長方面,除在臺灣設立四區閱讀教學研發中心,各自擔起責任縣市師培工作,亦辦理線上初階研習課程,使更多教師認識閱讀理解策略及其教學。推動閱讀策略教學的成果,包括國語科教學時間和跨科閱讀指導時間比例增加、教師每天教導閱讀策略比例增加。然學生在學校獨立閱讀時間並未增加,閱讀範疇的寬廣度則增加不多。透過觀課,研究者發現使用閱讀策略教學的教師,有人用之於無形,有人按部就班,亦不乏有教師只教策略步驟,甚至要求學生有標準答案,忽略使用閱讀策略的目的是為加深文本的理解。這顯示有部分教師對於閱讀理解以及透過閱讀學習和獨立閱讀的信念有再澄清的必要。這也是下一階段推動閱讀策略教學須注意的地方。


After the 2006 report of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study was published in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education released a Reading 101 policy to encourage reading instruction in elementary schools. Few Chinese language arts teachers were familiar with reading strategies before 2006. To promote the teaching of reading and comprehension strategies in elementary classes, a textbook-based approach was initiated for reading instruction. A framework and guidelines were first developed for teaching reading and comprehension strategies in elementary schools. Example lesson plans were then compiled, and an in-service training program was provided or teachers. After implementing the Reading 101 policy for 10 years, teachers' ratings of their daily adoption of reading strategies in their classes increased. Yet, while conducting classroom observations, discussions with the teachers, and feedback analysis for the teachers, the teachers were categorized into the following three groups based on their mastery level of providing instructions on reading comprehension strategies: 1. The teacher demonstrates understanding of the strategy principle and uses appropriate teaching methods to convey the principle to students. 2. The teacher did not demonstrate a full understanding of the strategy principle but often mentioned the terminologies, which were not comprehensible to their students. 3. The teacher demonstrated their understanding of the strategy principle and used very complicated methods to teach their students. Thus, the students were confused about several topics. Some teachers had practical skills but did not understand why reading strategies should be incorporated in their teaching methodology. A follow-up design of professional development should be used to encourage teachers to conduct more discussions pertaining to the process and meaning of reading and practice a teaching methodology that involves reading instruction. Professional group interaction on the significance of reading can shape their teaching practice in the class.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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