


Effect of Regret on Motivational Interference Among College Students: Regret Coping Strategy as a Mediator and Social Support as a Moderator




陳慧娟(Huey-Jiuan Chen);簡洧晴(Wei-Ching Chien)


大學生 ; 社會支持 ; 後悔 ; 後悔因應策略 ; 動機干擾 ; college students ; social support ; regret ; regret coping strategy ; motivational interference




65卷2期(2020 / 06 / 01)


277 - 312






The study explored the relationships among regret, regret coping strategy, perceived social support, and motivational interference during the elective courses; additionally, it examined the mediating and moderating effects of both regret coping strategy and social support on college students. The survey was conducted through purposeful sampling, and 516 college students studying in Taiwan's public and private universities (241 male and 275 female students) were invited to respond to the questionnaires. The research instruments comprised a self-designed regret scale, motivational interference scale, regret coping strategy scale, and social support scale. The data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, t tests, and regression analysis. The main findings were as follows: (1) A significant positive correlation was noted between regret and motivational interference. (2) The regret coping strategy of rumination fully negatively mediated the relationship between regret and motivational interference. (3) The present-focused reappraisal strategy did not mediate the effect of regret on motivational interference. (4) The future-focused reappraisal strategy negatively mediated the effect of regret on motivational interference. (5) Perceived overall social support did not moderate the effect of regret on motivational interference; however, higher the level of emotional support, stronger the positive correlation between regret and motivational interference. According to the study findings, suggestions were provided to high school teachers, counselors, parents, and future researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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