
Super Skills社會技巧課程對增進智能障礙學生與普通班學生同儕互動能力成效


The Study of Promoting Peer Intera ction for the Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Regular Classroom by Super Skills Courses




伍苑岐(Yuan-Chi Wu);孫淑柔(Shu-Jou Sun)


Super Skills社會技巧課程 ; 智能障礙學生 ; 同儕互動能力 ; Super Skills courses ; students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities ; peer interaction




11期(2019 / 12 / 01)


23 - 57




本研究探討Super Skills社會技巧課程對增進智能障礙學生與普通班學生同儕互動的成效。研究參與者為特教班三名中重度智能障礙學生,採單一受試研究法,並以Super Skills社會技巧課程為自變項,探討「打招呼」、「加入別人的活動」、「請求協助」三項目標行為的介入成效。結果如下:一、Super Skills社會技巧課程對增進智能障礙學生與普通生的同儕互動有好的立即成效。二、Super Skills社會技巧課程對增進智能障礙學生與普通生的同儕互動有好的維持成效。三、普通班教師及同儕認為智能障礙學生接受Super Skills社會技巧課程介入後同儕互動能力有進步。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Super Skills courses on enhancing peer interaction for the students with intellectual disabilities in regular classroom. The methodology used ABM design from the single subject experimental approach which included three phases: baseline, intervention, and maintenance. Three students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities at special class participated in this research. Super Skills courses were the independent variables while the dependent variables were the effects of peer interaction including greeting, joining activities of others, and asking for help. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Super Skills courses showed the immediate effectiveness in improving the peer interaction for the students with intellectual disabilities in regular classroom. 2. Super Skills courses showed the maintenance effectiveness in improving the peer interaction for the students with intellectual disabilities in regular classroom. 3. The teachers and students in regular classroom perceived that Super Skills courses could partially improve the peer interaction for the students with intellectual disabilities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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