


Learning to be a "Person" and a "Teacher" by Asking the Three Fundamental Questions about Life: The Planning and Implementation of Life Education Curriculum for Pre-service Teacher Education


王秀槐(Hsiou-Huai Wang)


師資培育 ; 生命教育 ; 人生三問 ; 反思 ; teacher education ; Life Education ; three fundamental questions about life ; reflection




5卷2期(2013 / 12 / 01)


67 - 101






Since the Taiwanese government launches the comprehensive Life Education program in school from 1997, Life Education has caught greater attention in the education arena. In addition to its inclusion into the curriculum at the elementary, junior high and senior high school levels, it has also been introduced to college curriculum. On one hand, it has been integrated into General Education curriculum for the cultivation of the whole person; on the other, it is also introduced to professional education as a way to help students to transform knowledge into wisdom. More specifically, it is of great importance to offer life education courses for pre -service students, because as a future teacher, these students need to be equipped with the ability to reflect upon their own lives, care for others' lives and guide their students to lead a holistic life.The article is an action research of the author who designed and implemented a Life Education course for pre-service students at a teacher education center at a comprehensive university. This paper first expounds the importance of Life Education for college education as well as for teacher education, and then presented the principles underlying the course, including ”three fundamental questions about life”, the dual goal of ”to be a person” and ”to be a teacher” and ”the integration between academic instruction and life education”. Then, student learning outcomes were analyzed and presented with regard to ”three fundamental questions about life”. Finally, recommendations for life education for pre-service teachers were made, including: deeper understanding of theoretical foundations for life education, further investigating into teenagers' dilemma in life, offering more on-site learning opportunities, and integrating formal and hidden curriculum to promote life education on campus.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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