


To Err Is Human: Recognizing the Human Nature of Making Mistakes and Lying in Teaching Life Education




牛惠之(Huei-Chih Niu)


生命教育 ; 犯錯 ; 欺騙 ; 從眾效應 ; 人學 ; life education ; mistakes ; cheats ; bandwagon effect ; anthropology




11卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


37 - 71






To incorporate the concept of "to err is human" into the file of life education is the theme of this paper. In nature world, lives develop various abilities, such as to cheat competitors or blindly follow the majority, to ensure the opportunity of survival or mating. Numerous psychological experiments and human history have proven that humans are highly likely to be influenced by environmental factors or driven by self-interests to wrongfully do evil things to hurt others either consciously or unconsciously. This paper therefore suggests that the negative natures of human being such as making mistakes and cheating shall be highlighted and systemically taught to students in life education. Students would therefore know better of the weakness and imperfection of their own human nature, and through the training of critical thinking, cautiously make decent judgments between good and evil, as well as to learn how to care, forgive and even respect both the parties who had made mistakes and the innocent victims of these mistakes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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