


Noddings' Ethics of Care and Nursing Practice




李美秀(Mei-Hsiu Lee)


N. Noddings ; 關懷 ; 護理 ; N. Noddings ; caring ; nursing




12卷2期(2020 / 12 / 01)


23 - 56




N. Noddings的關懷倫理學強調關係是存有的基礎,關懷的實踐意義需落在與他人關係具體的情境中才能得以實踐,而護理人員與病人處在治療性的關係中,且護理工作正是以關懷為核心,因此,護理的關懷意義可用Noddings的關懷倫理學做詮釋。護理人員需在臨床情境中維持敏感性、接受性與責任性,考量病人的需求,運用理性思考決定如何行動,以溫暖與信任的態度使護病關係更順利地建立。護理人員希望病人因照護與關懷而解除或減緩疾病所帶來的痛苦,並藉以增加護理專業的價值感,此價值感能激起醫護人員工作時的動力。


N. Noddings' ethics of care theory emphasizes interpersonal relationships as the basis of human existence and the foundation for caring practice. As therapeutic relationship exists between nurses and patients, together with the face that caring is the core of nursing practice, Nodding's ethics of care theory can be applied to interpret nursing care. Nurse must maintain sensitivity, acceptance and responsibility under clinical circumstances, consideration for patients' needs, using rational thinking to decide how to act, warm and trust attitude, so that the nurse-patient relationship can more smoothly establish. Nurses gain the sense of nursing professional value from providing nursing care to ease or relieve pain in patients caused by diseases or disorders. This sense of nursing professional value in turn motivates the nurses to engage in nursing as a career.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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