This essay explores the effective strategies for designing teaching methods and materials in a Zen general education course to engage contemporary students. This essay also discusses the potential inspiration that students may derive from "college life education" and the effect that the course on "Zen Wisdom and Culture" can have on their development. The students enrolled in this elective general education course were considered as research participants. A qualitative research method was adopted to explore students' thoughts on and (re)creation of Zen literature. The research methodology involved textual analysis, one-to-one teacher-student interviews, and teacher's observation records. The research revealed several key findings. 1. Modern interpretations of Zen can benefit students in a general education class. Externally, Zen helps students broaden their worldviews and cultivate empathy. Internally, it inspires self-awareness and introspection, cultivates emotional wisdom, and deepens their understanding of the beauty of life. 2. Zen is closely related to the theme of growth. By employing both traditional and contemporary Zen literature, students can learn to apply the teachings in their daily life, enlighten and free their spirits, transcend the limitations of life and death, and explore the essence of life. 3. Exposing students to diverse sources of inspiration and guidance can enhance their cognitive abilities and cultivate qualitative changes in their lives. 4. The design of Zen writing assignments can stimulate the internalization of Zen principles during the learning process, encouraging students to express their understanding of Zen through creative means.
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