The current study tries to understand the quality of service that customers in the property management industry in Taiwan emphasize through applying of "SERVQUAL" and the "Kano Model". According to the result of the study, The exploration of service items provided by the property management industry is based on the applying of the Kano model and subsequent classification of attributes. There were seven quality factors were in (A), ten in (O), seven in (M), eight in (I), and zero in (Q). As a result, the quality of service discussed in this study was equipped with two-dimensional quality. Companies within this industry may also stipulate service strategies and strengthen interactions based on their individual resources in order to increase the overall quality of service, management efficiency, customers' willingness to renew their contracts, and reduce costs. In addition, property management companies have to work closely with community managers to improve on-site training, quality of service, and household security and privacy as well as providing thorough service. Ultimately, business owners can accurately determine the situation of existing market competition, items that needed to be improved, and strategic directions in order to achieve a situation where consumers, field service personnel, and companies feel content. The study pointed out that companies can effectively clarify the perceptual gap between service personnel and customers, as well as further minimize the gap between management committees and property management companies from the customers' perspective. Furthermore, they can reconsider the creation of shared values and determine how specifically in meeting their goals.
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