Public housing is a short-term period dwelling for certain identities. The outsourcing model of property management (PM) of Taipei City Government doesn't meet the market needs and its operating fee doesn't balance in income and outcome. However, there are 50,000 dwelling units under developing. Thus, the research objectives are: (1) investigate different types of PM model of the condominium, (2) evaluate and compare the performance of different types of PM model and (3) design a PM model which works as a conceptual framework for future public housing. The literature review, case study and PM business man interview are adopted and exploration of operating difficulties which affecting the implementation of the PM model are extracted. The results are as following: 1. The PM models of Dalungdung, Huaisheng and Yungping public housing are "fully outsourcing" and the others are "partially outsourcing". The PM models of Xizhi, Zhongshan and Wenshan apartment buildings, First two are "outsourcing to assist" and the other is "hiring personnel yourself". 2. The "hiring personnel yourself" model has a good performance in administration, security and cleaning. Both "outsourcing to assist" and "partially outsourcing" model have a good performance in administration and maintenance. 3. Designing the PM model of public housing: the research suggests local government to adopt "outsourcing to assist regionally" PM model. This PM model is to outsource the on-site service to a PM company and control the PM service in working district.