


An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Enterprises in Property-Related Industries Introducing Government's Industrial Subsidies and the Influence on Business Strategy - the Moderating Effect of Individual Personality Traits of Top Management Business Decision-Making Executives


陳冠浤(Guan-Hong Chen);高任首(Jen-Shou Kao);高秉毅(Ping-Yi Kao);王以德(I-Te Wang)


政府產業補助 ; 經營策略 ; 人格特質 ; 物業管理 ; 飯店旅館 ; government industrial subsidies ; business strategy ; personality traits ; property management industry ; hotel industry




14卷2期(2023 / 09 / 30)


1 - 17






This study aims to explore the influence of the introduction of government's industrial subsidies on corporate business strategies by property management operators and hotel operators in Kaohsiung City, as well as the moderating effect of personality traits of high-level decision-making executives. Stratified sampling was used to effectively recover the questionnaires from 16 property management companies and 38 hotel companies. The study results show that the personality traits of high-level decision-making executives (extraversion, rigor, and emotional stability) have moderating effects between the introduction of government's industrial subsidies (plan purpose, measures) and corporate business strategies (operation management, management capabilities, and corporate scope). From this, it can be inferred that when the business operators decide to seek government resources to change their operating capabilities and enhance their competitiveness, and when they make decisions in response to changes in the competitive market and competitive situation, they are influenced by the personality traits of high-level decision-making executives to change their corporate business strategies. This shows that on the one hand, the enterprises' stock of human capital is insufficient, and on the other hand, it also shows that the personal knowledge, experience, and ability of the high-level management executives are limited, so they have self-doubt about the ability to use government policy resources. It is recommended that when limited by the scale of enterprises and the stock of resources, the business operators can also actively introduce government policy resources and relatively invest in medium-term and long-term human resource management strategies, so as to make appropriate business decisions in the face of various business market challenges.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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