


The Impact of Campus Participation Experiences on the Development of University Senior Students' Holistic Literacy: Based on PLS-SEM Model




蔡昕璋(Hsin-Chang Tsai)


校園參與經驗 ; 全人素養 ; 課室外學習經驗 ; experiences of campus participation ; holistic literacy ; extracurricular learning experience




57卷4期(2019 / 03 / 01)


12 - 28




本研究旨在探討某校大四學生校園參與經驗對全人素養發展之因果關係,透過任意抽樣法抽取某校大四學生78人作為研究樣本,利用partial least square structural equation modeling(PLS-SEM)模型進行分析,並檢測其中介效果。研究發現,非正式課程、潛在課程的參與經驗對於全人素養發展皆有正向影響,且潛在課程在非正式課程及全人素養間具有中介效果存在。另外透過單因子變異數分析,發現健康狀況良好的同學,其全人素養亦高。依據研究結果,研究者建議相關人員關注學生課室外的學習經驗,並鼓勵學生多元參與、維持自身健康,以提高全人素養。


This study aims to investigate the correlation between university students' campus participation experiences and holistic literacy. The participants of this study were 78 senior university students recruited from a university in Taiwan by the convenience sampling method. Partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to assess the fit of structural equation models to data, and the mediation of the hidden curriculum was examined as a latent variable. With one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), the students with better health status show a significantly higher level in holistic literacy. Based on the results, this study offers two suggestions: caring about and encouraging students to take part in informal curriculum and hidden curriculum, and promoting students' health. It is hoped that the holistic literacy of university students will improve.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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