


The Study of Self-Life Narration of a Blessed Happiness From a Widow of a Deceased Entertainer




許妃宜(Fei-Yi Hsu);陳國彥(Kuo-Yen Chen)


生命敘說 ; 幸福 ; 哀慟 ; 許過頭 ; 愛 ; Life Narrative ; Happiness ; Mourning ; Guo-Tou Hsu ; Love




10卷2期(2020 / 01 / 01)


29 - 55






This research originated from the researcher myself-the study of self-life narration of a blessed happiness from a widow of a deceased entertainer: exploring the perspective of a widowed woman and re-examine her intimate relationship with her native family, her loved ones, and the process of mourning the healing process and re-starting with love. Because the researcher is keen on self-awareness, I use myself as the object of inquiry, like peeling off layers of an onion, peeling them layer by layer, seeing my past experiences and current emotions constantly reorganizing, and exploring the course of the process, the context, and the key, so that the source has a more complete explanation. This unique experience and feelings, can only find myself by self-narration. Therefore, this study adopts the self-narrative research in qualitative research as the method. It is precisely because widowhood is the most inexplicable pain in human life experience. The study finds that the awakening of personal strength and the support of external friends and relatives can help the widowed person to go through the days of funeral, to have love and happiness at any time, in order to find a new departure, and awake upward power. I hope this paper can remind those who have a marriage relationship to manage their own happiness, the onlookers help the widowed to go out of mourning, the widowed continue the power of love, return to the regular life. Because the key of life is not about the length, it is the depth; the love of nourishing marriage, the happiness of one step, and hope that this article can also become a reference for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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