


Using Project-Based Learning Model to Promote Technical and Vocational College Students' Learning Engagement and Learning Achievement - A Quasi-Experimental Study


蔡智孝(Chih-Hsiao Tsai)


專案導向學習 ; 學習投入 ; 學習成效 ; 多媒體輔助學習 ; Project-based learning ; Learning engagement ; Learning achievement ; Multimedia-assisted learning




40卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


25 - 38




在資訊科技與網路技術的領航下,學習生態正逐步邁向網路數位學習的時代,臺灣技職教育體系的學生在學習能力上、方法上應如何精進與改善,著實需要更多的投入與規劃、更深入的瞭解學習的核心問題。本研究的目的在探討不同教學工具的應用下,專案導向學習(Project-Based Learning,PBL)模式對科技大學學生學習投入與學習成效的影響。本研究以「大學生學習投入量表」、「學習成效測驗」為研究工具,研究對象來自國內一所科技大學,共120位學生。以準實驗研究法於大一「程式設計」學科進行教學實驗。實驗組採用PBL教學法,控制組採用多媒體輔助學習(Multimedia-Assisted Learning,MAL)教學法,並統一編定學習成效測驗,分別於實驗前、後進行施測及量表填答,研究資料採獨立樣本t檢定及獨立樣本單因子共變數(ANCOVA)分析統計方法進行分析,以瞭解教學後兩組學生其學習投入與學習成效是否有所差異。


The purpose of this study is based on Project-Based Learning (PBL) teaching method, to develop and design feasible instruction in order to improve college students' learning engagement and learning achievement toward computer programming course. Each course has two classes, one class is assigned to experimental group and the other is assigned to control group with Multimedia-Assisted Learning (MAL) teaching method. Participants are 120 college students from four classes in a technical and vocational college. Data is collected through a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design, "Learning Engagement Scale for College Students" and "Learning Achievement Test" research tools. The collected data is analyzed by using the statistical methods independent samples t-test and independent samples one-way ANCOVA.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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