


The Action Research of Integrating Web Technology and Team-teaching in Secondary "Science and Technology" Classes






網路教學 ; 協同教學 ; 學生學習成就 ; 教師專業成長 ; 行動研究 ; Web-based instruction ; Team teaching ; Teacher professional growth ; Action research




19期(2009 / 06 / 01)


230+232 - 267






The purpose of this study was to explore how by incorporation of web-based learning into team teaching to improve students' learning achievement and teacher professional growth in the domain of Nature Science and Technology. The researcher and one collaborative teacher participated in this study. This study processes according to Altrichter et al. (1993) action research process four steps, which incorporates both quantitative and qualitative analysis technique. The study was carried out over the period of one semester in which the curriculum was divided into six research units. The main sources of the research data were collected from observation, interviews, questionnaires, students' internet works and feedback, teachers' reflective journals, videotaping and teamwork discussion records. The findings of this study showed these two teaching methods carrying out significant differences with respect to students' performance. The result of this study has two respects; firstly, it is about students' achievement: (1)The web-based instruction could promote students' achievement and have them obtain more knowledge after class. (2)The application of media in the humanized teaching helps students to understand easily the question. (3)The web-based instruction constitutes a platform of interaction and discussion for students. The construction of a website function as complementary teaching.(4)The practical operation of the software for teaching could facilitate student's learning precisely and familiarly.(5)The incorporation of web-based instruction into team teaching could make course plan to be more complete and the students have more plural learning opportunity.(6)The incorporation of web-based instruction into team teaching could instruct students efficiently and enable students to solve the problem in the classroom immediately. Secondly, it is regarding teachers professional growth: (1)The incorporation of web-based instruction into team teaching could enrich the content of courses and offer a chance for teachers to require professional growth from the mutual model. (2)The incorporation of web-based instruction into team teaching could stimulate teacher's group interaction and their specialty complementary. However, there were some difficulties during the process of implementation. This study can offer a reference for relative studies and for teachers to follow-up the application of incorporating technology with team-teaching strategies of science.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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