The goals of this study were as follows: 1) To understand the characteristics of communities of practice(CoP) of student teachers. 2) To explore learning meanings of CoP of student teachers. 3) To explore processes and experiences student teachers participating in CoP. The subjects were 84 student teachers who enrolled in Curriculum Design for Young Children. Data were collected through interviews, observation, document analysis. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1) The characteristics of student teachers of CoP included common area, community, joint ability, agreement and identity. 2) The meanings of CoP were situated learning, mutual learning and practice learning. CoP suited with production course. 3) The advantages after student teachers participating in CoP included enhancing understanding of course content, studying collaboration and interpersonal relationship, cultivating integration and reflection abilities, mitigating task, integrating theory and practice, constructing and modifying knowledge of practice. 4) The difficulties of student teachers participating in CoP included arrangement of common time and different engagement of members. The suggestions of this study consisted of the following: encouraging member autonomy, member evaluating each other contribution, flexible teaching schedule, and encouraging members of peripheral participation to engage.
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