


A Case Study of Construction of English Village in an Elementary School and Its Impact on Students' Learning Motivation




張靜雲(Jing-Yun Chang)


英語村 ; 學習動機 ; English village ; learning motivation




25期(2012 / 06 / 01)


83 - 113






This study aimed to explore the building context, the ideas, the difficulties, and the solutions encountered during the construction processes of an English village in an elementary school. It also dealt with its impact on the students' English learning motivation of students. To achieve these goals, a case study was designed to explore the context, ideas, difficulties, and solutions in building an English village by selecting an elementary school's English village which has been running for many years. The results indicated that: (1) The building context of the English village is based upon the governor's educational policy to shorten the gap between urban and rural schools, and upon whether the principal has the intention to build a bilingual environment. The building ideas of the English village are to set up a simulated environment to meet students' life and to incorporate the local culture and customs. (2) The difficulties encountered in the building processes are lacking funds to build an English village and lacking consensus among the team members. (3) The establishment of the English village stimulates the English learning motivation of students through displaying authentic and novel materials, hands-on activities, and contacts with the foreign teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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