


Action Research on Case Method in the Teacher Program Course




王金國(Chin-Kuo Wang)


案例教學 ; 師資培育 ; 專業倫理 ; case method ; teacher education ; professional ethics




26期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 29






The purpose of the research was to explore the case method in teacher program course, Professional Ethics for Teachers. There were 43 students in the course. The students were grouped, and each group was assigned to make a case video, in which they examined the ethical issues in education. The researcher applied action research, collected data through written notes, classroom observation, student feedback questionnaires, and students' videos and journals. The researcher used SPSS and Atlas. ti to analyze the data. The main findings are as followed: 1. The case video assignment supports the case method. The researcher expects that the students have learned the multiple skills through the case video project. 2. The procedures include: introducing the issues, providing videos as examples, assigning the students the case video assignment, having the students make and present their videos and have a class discussion. 3. There could have been several improvements on the instruction of the course. The issues that the students presented need to be more specific, the students' responsibilities on their own work should be valued, and the assignment requires additional peer evaluation. 4. The students approve the case method. The assignment helped them understand professional ethics for teachers while developing their movie-editing skills, cooperation skills, and communication skills. The students feel that it helped class participation. The students do not feel that the assignment was a burden and suggest that the assignment stay as a part of the curriculum. 5. The students had some problems with the assignment. The assignment was time consuming, and it was difficult for students to align their schedules together, and most students did not have movie-editing skills or experience to make the videos.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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