The purpose of this study is to review the theses and dissertations exploring any topic on senior high school grief counseling. Based on the results of the study, constructive suggestions are presented as a reference for educational authorities, guidance counselors, and future researchers. Content analysis method is mainly used to examine the collected 64 papers, finished from 1992 to 2012. The main findings of the study are summarized as follows. In terms of the content of the collected papers: 1. The academic backgrounds of the researchers are mostly from the institutes of educational psychology and counseling. 2. Qualitative research methods are used most frequently. Quantitative methods are used less; however, some of the papers used both methods at the same time. The numbers (and proportions) are as follows: 37(57.9%), 25(39.06%), and 2(2.13%). 3. There are 62(96.88%) theses and 2 dissertations (3.13%). In terms of the results of the study: 1. The term ”life education” is used to indicate ”life and death education” and ”death education”. 2. The bereaved need the assistance from counseling institutions to achieve the emotional adjustment. The suggestions are proposed as follows. As for the implementation of policies: 1. The course on the related topics on grief counseling should be reinforced in high school curriculum. 2. The training for the guidance counselors at schools or social institutions should be enhanced. 3. The course on grief counseling should be offered at teacher training institutes and nursing schools. 4. The implementation of life education at schools should be evaluated. As for future research on grief counseling: 1. Action research method should be encouraged. 2. The topics on the hospice care should be explored more. 3. The different stages and the process of grief counseling should be focused. 4. The study on the meaning-centered counseling (MCC) for bereavement should be conducted. 5. More researchers from different academic backgrounds should be involved in the studies on grief counseling. 6. More doctoral dissertations should be encouraged on the study of grief counseling.
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