


A Study on the Relationship between Collaborative Learning, Learning strategies, and Mathematics Self-efficacy of Junior High School Students




高家斌(Chia-Pin Kao);蘇玲慧(Ling-Hui Su)


協同學習 ; 學習策略 ; 數學自我效能 ; Collaborative learning ; learning strategies ; mathematics self-efficacy




30期(2014 / 12 / 01)


25 - 55






The study uses data collected by "2010 Junior High School Mathematics Questionnaire", which is released by the Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement (TASA) database. The analysis includes 7,586 students as study samples and aims to investigate and examine the relationships between collaborative learning, learning strategies, and mathematics self-efficacy of eighth graders through structural equation modeling. Research results show that the internal structure of the latent variables, including collaborative learning, leaning strategies, and mathematics self-efficacy, reaches consistency (λ value is between 0.634 and 0.810) and the overall goodness-of-fit achieves the model requirements. Moreover, collaborative learning has positive influence on both learning strategies and mathematics self-efficacy for eighth graders. Collaborative learning among students may affect mathematics self-efficacy through learning strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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