


Investigating the Perception of Classroom Goal and Its Relationship with Individual Motivational Beliefs




吳中勤(Chung-Chin Wu)


成就目標 ; 課室目標知覺 ; 學習興趣 ; achievement goal ; classroom goal perception ; learning interest




33期(2016 / 06 / 01)


33 - 65






Classroom contexts have vital influences on achievement motivation. Accordingly, it is important to realize learners' perception to learning contexts and its effects on individual motivation. However, current research on classroom goal perception (CGP) has paid limited attention to the problems in the measurement content and the theoretical content. It may have deleterious impacts on content validity, and then pose threats to the conclusion validity on the predictive relationship of CGP on criterion-related variables. Therefore, the purposes of present study are to: (1) revise the problems on measurement and the theoretical content of CGP, (2) examine the model fitness of six dimensions of CGP to the observed data through confirmatory factor analyses and model comparisons, (3) re-examine the effect of CGP on criterion-related variables, and offer preliminary evidence of criterion-related validity on CGP with six dimensions. In order to achieve the purposes, the present study adopted a three-step sampling strategy. Three hundred seventy-seven and 1507 eighth graders involved in the pilot study and the formal study, respectively. Results showed that the CGP with six dimensions was the parsimonious and fitted theoretical model with good internal and external qualities, and could be used to interpret junior high school students' CGP. Moreover, the model had good criterion-related validity by showing its advantages on test stability and concept discrimination. Finally, only partial predictive relationship of CGP with criterion-related variables was consistently found. Corresponding suggestions were proposed based on the present results at the end of the article.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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