


The Relationship among Strain Factors, Negative Emotion Regulation, and Well-being for Junior High School Students in Tainan




王爾暄(WANG, Erh-Hsuan);李承傑(LI, Cheng-Chieh);董旭英(TUNG, Yuk-Ying)


生活緊張因素 ; 幸福感 ; 負向情緒調節能力 ; strain factors ; well-being ; negative emotion regulation




35期(2017 / 06 / 01)


31 - 61




過去有關青少年生活緊張因素與主觀幸福感的研究不少,但是對於負向情緒調節能力的研究卻不多,本研究依據Robert Agnew一般化緊張理論來探討生活緊張因素與負向情緒調節能力對國中生幸福感的關聯性。研究結果發現負面生活事件會直接影響到國中生生活滿意,而在四種日常生活困擾中,以生活困擾對於幸福感的影響最強烈。當國中生覺知自己沒有生活目標時,不僅會直接影響人際相處與個性,也會影響到生活滿意和學校生活的評估。此外,課業困擾也會影響到自我肯定與生活滿意之幸福感。納入負向情緒調節能力之後,三種負向情緒調節能力中,以日常生活的負向情緒調節能力最能減緩生活緊張因素對幸福感的影響。然而,比較特別的是,學生覺知未來困擾愈多,則面對考試成績與日常生活的負向情緒調節能力反而愈好,呈現出正向積極的趨向。


Although there are many studies about the effect of teenagers’ strain factors on well-being, few of them focus on the mediate effect of negative emotion regulation. Based on Robert Agnew’s general strain theory, the purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among strain factors, negative emotion regulation, and well-being for junior high school students in Tainan. This study indicated that negative incidents had a direct influence on living satisfaction. Among the four kinds of negative stimuli, the living negative stimuli had the strongest influence on well-being. When students perceived themselves as being aimless in life, it did not only have a direct impact on their personal relationship and personality, but also had an influence on their living satisfaction and campus life. In addition, negative academic stimuli had an effect on self-identification and living satisfaction. After adding three kinds of negative emotion regulation, the negative emotion regulation of daily life could moderate a lot the effect of strain factors on well-being. However, it was an interesting finding that the more future negative stimuli students perceived, the better negative emotion regulation of academic performance and daily life they presented. It showed a positive attitude to face negative stimuli.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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