


The Teaching Practice Research on Applying Problem-Based Learning in the Interdisciplinary Learning Courses




張媛甯(CHANG, Yuan-Ning)


跨領域學習 ; 問題導向學習 ; 教學實踐研究 ; interdisciplinary learning ; problem-based learning (PBL) ; teaching practice research




44期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 28






The purpose of this study applied the PBL into teaching practice in order to understand the process of teaching practice, and its influences on student learning. A case study was conducted on 58 students who came from different colleges and enrolled in "Financial Market and Commodity Design" course. Employing questionnaires to compare differences of the viewpoints of undergraduate students before and after the implementation of the PBL, and collecting researcher's observation, reflection notes, and student learning feedbacks, this study explored the process of the teaching practice and the impact of the PBL on students' learning outcomes. The following conclusions were revealed that students showed significant differences in all four dimensions including learning motivation and attitude, peer interaction and cooperation, learning objectives and contents, and teaching design and strategy. According to qualitative data, applying the PBL in the course could effectively improve students' understanding of course content and cultivate their problem-solving skills, and also stimulate students' learning motivation and attitudes to promote their self-directed learning, and enhanced the core competencies including communication and coordination, interpersonal relationships, teamwork that interdisciplinary learners should have. Moreover, teachers continuously reflected on teaching through classroom observation and student feedback to enhance teaching quality.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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