


The Exploration of Educational Leadership Research Trends during the Curriculum Standard Period in Elementary Schools - by Using the Text Meaning Approach




沈秋宏(SHEN, Chiu-Hung);沈芷嫣(SHEN, Jr-Yan)


課程標準 ; 文字探勘 ; 教育領導趨勢 ; curriculum standard ; text mining ; educational leadership trend




45期(2022 / 06 / 01)


1 - 33






The past period had its historical values and meaning. This study discussed the trend and empirical analysis of educational leadership research during the Curriculum Standard period from ROC 82 to 91. The data used R language to write text mining grammar and analyze abstracts of thesis and doctoral dissertation during the period. The analysis results were presented in multi moldings such as bar graphs, word cloud, Scree plot graphs, Subject Analysis, Cluster Analysis, and Word Network Graph Analysis. Besides, the educational leadership research focused on five topics as follows: "teaching leadership and organizational administration", "curriculum leadership and professional development", "school effectiveness and knowledge management", "administrative system and training strategies" and "teacher evaluation and overall participation". The study results found that the "principal" played the key role in the educational leadership trend, the "teacher" was the led lead, the "school" was led by team, and "leadership" was the demonstration of the principal's leadership behavior and mode during the period. Principle leadership had ultimate responsibility for the success or failure of education, and principal leadership practices were associated with school organizational effectiveness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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