


Action Research on Promoting Social Behavioral Skills for a Child with Autism in an Inclusive Setting




林婉琛(LIN, Wan-Chen);朱思穎(CHU, Szu-Yin)


社會性故事 ; 課程調整 ; 自閉症幼兒 ; 社會行為 ; 融合 ; social story ; curriculum modification ; child with autism ; social behavior ; inclusion




49期(2024 / 06 / 01)


61 - 93






The purpose of this study is to enhance the social behavior abilities of a child with autism through the use of social stories and curriculum modification strategies and to evaluate the effectiveness of such intervention. The action process has been taken in three phases. The first phase was to observe the targeted child and discuss with the teachers about the child's emotions and interpersonal interaction. In the second phase, self-made stories were used to develop the child's skills at toy-sharing time and to guide peers to interact with the targeted child. At the same time, the curriculum modification strategy is used to support continuous participation in activities. In the third phase, the data from the child's interaction and teacher interview have been collected for further analysis. The results found that the child can accept interruption at the end of toy-sharing time and ease the emotional transitions through the self-made stories. In addition, other skills have been acquired, including openly asking, waiting for others' responses, observing environment cues, and understanding others' interaction skills. Other peers can empathize with the child with autism's learning difficulties, and understand how to provide support for improving the class atmosphere of play and peer willingness of acceptance. Overall, the intervention of social stories can help the child with autism understand the environment and clues displayed by others. This intervention also can help the child with autism adjust self-thinking and behaviors, and demonstrate prosocial behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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