


Syncretism and Interaction: A Review of Scholarship on the Relationship between Medieval Buddhism and Daoism




謝世維(Shu-Wei Hsieh)


佛道交涉 ; 靈寶 ; 融合 ; 中國宗教 ; Interaction between Buddhism and Daoism ; Lingbao ; Syncretism ; Chinese Religion




8期(2012 / 12 / 01)


263 - 299






This paper reviews several studies on the relationship between Buddhism and Daoism during the medieval period. It assesses the different methodological approaches used by scholars to examine the interaction between Daoists and Buddhists. The history of this interaction leads to questions about the nature of the divisions between these two religious traditions. The review covers a variety of different approaches, including syncretism, transmission and reception, and descriptions from both internal and external perspectives. It demonstrates the value of these studies and describes the contributions they have made to research on medieval Chinese religion.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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