


Demons, Animals and Animal Spirits: Embodying Evil in "Marriage to Awaken the World" 醒世姻緣傳


劉瓊云(Chiung-Yun Liu)


《醒世姻緣傳》 ; 《西遊記》 ; 惡 ; 動物 ; 狐精 ; Xingshi yinyuan zhua ; Xiyou ji ; evil ; animal ; fox spirit




11期(2014 / 06 / 01)


103 - 157






This paper examines depictions of social evil in literary works as responses to historical upheavals, focusing on the seventeenth-century Chinese vernacular novel, Marriage to Awaken the World. Shangdong 山東, the native land of the novel's author and the setting where the story takes place, suffered flood, drought, famine, and war in succession during the first half of the seventeenth century. The author, interlacing portrayals of natural disasters and moral debauchery with pervasive images of animals, animal spirits, and dismembered or tormented bodies, presents a picture of society that is simultaneously chilling, grotesque, and comical. This paper investigates how the author employs, reverses and parodies the literature of the Chinese fantastic tradition as a means of capturing the kaleidoscopic acts of evil during a time of social disintegration. The first part of the paper demonstrates that the author blurs the boundary between human and non-human by bringing demons, animal spirits, and creatures of the wilderness and supernatural realm into the everyday life of common Shangdong households. The second part analyzes how Marriage to Awaken the World parodies the Journey to the West 西遊記. The author compares his male protagonist Di Xichen 狄希陳 to Sun Wukong 孫悟空, yet he does so only to degrade the originally intrepid hero into a hen-pecked husband tortured by his wife, Xue Sujie 薛素姐. The third part delineates the process through which the virago Xue Sujie, reincarnated from a fox spirit, rises to become the new rebel, wreaking havoc on her husband's family, which according to Confucian teachings is the domain of a woman's symbolic "heaven" (futian 夫天). She then completes a mock pilgrimage and eventually turns into an inhuman avenger obsessed with killing Di Xichen. This paper concludes that fantastic literature contributes much to the language and representation of social evil in Marriage to Awaken the World. The author's choice of references and his strategies of rewriting in turn provide a glimpse into his views concerning the workings and contours of evil. The grotesque narrative of the novel, therefore, is not only a matter of hybrid literary style, but also a significant clue that registers the emotional and psychological repercussions resulting from experiences of violence and suffering.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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