This article investigates the first biographical collection dedicated to Chinese Buddhist nuns, the Biqiuni zhuan 比丘尼傳 by Baochang 寶唱 (fl. 495-516 A.D.). Taking as its point of departure the notion of ganying 感應, it analyzes several biographies which contain depictions of miracles, and argues that there was a close relationship between the expression of ganying in the nuns' lives and the subsequent occurrence of miracles. Such miraculous episodes shed light on the manner in which religious people conceive of and establish saintliness. The article describes the portrayal of nuns as virtuous and exemplary women, while at the same time emphasizing the ways in which they do not completely conform to the "reductive portrait" of female practitioners often seen in sacred biographies. The study also compares the Biqiuni zhuan to the Mingseng zhuan 名僧傳, which was written by the same author, in an effort to determine if and how these two biographical collections differ rhetorically. The article's analysis of the Biqiuni zhuan's narrative structure and biographical source materials is aimed at demonstrating the interaction between the genre of biography and that of (religious) tales of the miraculous, as well as the difference between Chinese religious biographies and avādana literature. In the conclusion, the article also discusses some of the features of religious literature during the Six Dynasties (220-589 A.D.).
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