This study examines the concept of body advanced in the Laozi 老子through the analysis of terms such as jing 精, qi 氣, po 魄, he 和 and rou 柔 used in the book. This analysis reveals that jing should be interpreted as referring to the jing in jingqi, which was related to reproduction and breeding, and that rou encapsulated a view of the cosmic body similar to the Zhuangzi’s tijin wuqiong 體盡無窮 and zhoujin yiti 周盡一體. In addition, as he was identical to rou in its aspect of cosmic body, he also connoted the state of not being disturbed by, and remaining calm and composed in the face of, gain and loss. With respect to qi carrying the meaning of body and form, it can also be said to have embraced the idea of the cosmic body. Po referred to a more hidden perception inside a form, and the greatest difference between po and general perception was that it could still exist outside a body after the body’s demise. Finally, the manner in which scholars of self-cultivation have interpreted the Laozi’s concept of body and theory of self-cultivation at times strays from the context of the book. Such interpretations are thus perhaps better viewed as elaborations of personal views rather than conclusions firmly grounded in the content of the text.