


Strategies for Risk Communication in Food Safety: Exploring Dialogue and Consensus Between Experts and Lay People




李明穎(Lee, Ming-Ying);陳春富(Chen, Chun-Fu);吳宜蓁(Wu, Yi-Chen)


食品安全 ; 常民 ; 風險溝通 ; 風險治理 ; 不確定性 ; food safety ; lay people ; risk communication ; risk governance ; uncertainty




10卷1期(2020 / 01 / 01)


19 - 50






Risk governance is the structural response to risk, while risk communication is a crucial part of this response. Taking recent food safety issues in Taiwan as an example, this study aims to explore interpretations of risk uncertainty and the need for risk communication among experts and lay people. Two focus group sessions were conducted to create an interactive setting wherein different stakeholders could pursue dialogue and reach consensus. The goal of focus group interviews is to construct risk communication strategies that embody civic participation, and to provide important references for government that can be used in future risk governance and communication. The study asserts that mechanisms of civic participation are essential for achieving consensus in risk communication related to food safety. Additionally, this study suggests that both government and experts must admit the limitations of scientific knowledge regarding food safety, and provide lay people with information needed to evaluate risk uncertainty. This approach will enable the formation of an alliance of different stakeholders to develop a consensus based on social value and trust.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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