


A Study on Health PromotionLlifestyle, Emotional Management and Subjective Fatigue among Elementary School Teachers-A Case Study of Taichung City




吉慶萍(Ching-Ping Chi);黃娟娟(Chuan-Chuan Huang)


國民小學教師 ; 健康促進生活型態 ; 情緒管理 ; 自覺疲勞感 ; Elementary School Teacher ; Health Promotion Lifestyle ; Emotional Management ; Subjective Fatigue




1卷2期(2012 / 04 / 01)


21 - 56




本研究旨在瞭解臺中市國小教師健康促進生活型態、情緒管理與自覺疲勞感之現況;分析不同背景變項的教師健康促進生活型態、情緒管理與自覺疲勞感上之差異;探討健康促進生活型態、情緒管理與自覺疲勞感之相關性。研究採問卷調查法,以臺中市公立國小之普通班教師為母群體,進行分層隨機抽樣。使用工具為「國小教師健康促進生活型態、情緒管理與自覺疲勞感之相關研究正式問卷」, 所得資料分析獲致以下結果: 如研究對象在健康促進生活型態各層面中以「自我實現」得分最高,在「運動」最低;在情緒管理各層面中以「情緒覺察」的表現最好,在「心理彈性力」表現最差;另外在整體之自覺疲勞感為傾向中度疲勞感受,其中以「身體局部異常感疲勞」的感受最高,「精神不集中」則為最低。而不同背景變項之研究對象在健康促進生活型態、情緒管理與自覺疲勞感有顯著差異。其中以年齡31-50歲以上、任教6-15年,自覺健康狀況極好者,在健康促進生活型態的得分較高;在情緒管理方面以女性、有宗教信仰、自覺健康狀況極好者得分較高;另外又以級任教師、自覺健康狀況不好者,在自覺疲勞感的得分較高。再者:研究對象之健康促進生活型態、情緒管理與自覺疲勞感呈顯著相關;健康促進生活型態愈高,情緒管理愈佳,自覺疲勞感愈低。


The purpose of this research is to interpret the current status of health promotion lifestyle, emotional management and subjective fatigue about the elementary school teachers; analyze how the personal background affects the above issues; dissect the correlations among them. The present research adopted questionnaire survey by picking up duly qualified teachers in the regular classes of Taichung City public elementary schools as population in order to do the stratified random sampling. The research tool was ”the questionnaire survey on the health promotion lifestyle, emotional management and subjective fatigue of elementary school teachers in Taichung City”. The data was analyzed to obtain the research results as follows: The research result of health promotion lifestyle is medium-high with positive deviation. In this field, the highest score was the self-realization and the lowest was exercise; the emotional management research is medium-high with positive deviation. In this field, the highest score was the emotional awareness and the lowest was mental elastic force: The subjective fatigue research is medium with positive deviation. In this field, the highest score was the local abnormal and the lowest was lack of concentration and there were significant difference in the variables of teachers' ages, years of work, self-aware health statuses on the health promotion lifestyle according to their groups mostly; there were significant difference in the variables of teachers' genders ,religions, self-aware health statuses on the emotional management; there were significant difference in the variables of teachers' genders, positions, self-aware health statuses on the subjective fatigue and the health promotion lifestyle and emotional management have showed an inverse proportional effect on subjective fatigue; The health promotion lifestyle in this research has showed a directly proportional effect on emotional management.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學
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