


Man-Land Relationship of Tourism Development in Areas Vulnerable to Landslides: Disaster Risk Perception and Viewpoints of Residents Living on Family Run Campsite




林韋呈(Wei-Cheng Lin);林貝珊(Pei-Shan Sonia Lin)


土地利用 ; 露營 ; 原住民 ; 象鼻村 ; Land use ; Camping ; Indigenous people ; Siangbi Village




9卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


1 - 12






Campsite development has long been a critical issue in terms of land use in mountainous areas. This study analyzes campsite owners' perception of disaster risk in Siangbi Village, Miaoli County, to understand the relationship between tourism development and disaster vulnerability. We conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews and field investigation to collect data during 2017. The results revealed that the land used by the indigenous peoples is mostly privately owned inherited land developed. In addition, residents who run campsites as a substitute livelihood do not perceive exposure to landslide risk and tend to interpret it as a natural phenomenon. Even though they are aware of the risk, they tend to disregard it as they have few resources to support their livelihood. We suggest that campsites follow the concepts of indigenous peoples of reducing development and coexistence with nature. Moreover, increased interaction between campsite owners and the public sectors establishes a relationship between them and promotes collaboration, which can help reduce their exposure to disaster risk. Finally, it facilitates the establishment of regulations to protect residents, owners, tourists, and the environment, which is important for future development.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 大氣科學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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