Physical literacy is regarded as the best solution to a sedentary lifestyle and has gradually become an issue that countries pay attention to. In this regard, Taiwan has developed a number of literacy-oriented physical education courses and conducted seminars on physical literacy in physical education. However, it is rare for government departments and non-governmental organizations to actively promote the concept of physical literacy and collaborate across ministries. This is not the case in the UK. In recent years, in addition to conducting a series of surveys on physical literacy through official, semi-official and non-governmental organizations, the British government has gathered national consensus and published a common definition of physical literacy in the UK. Parliament and government departments have also publicly expressed the importance of physical literacy. The concept of literacy has invested huge amounts of money, and through cooperation between different organizations and cross-department committees, it has actively promoted the improvement of the concept of physical literacy for the entire population and shaped a social atmosphere of sitting less and moving more. In the UK's successive policies and plans, we can see the ambition to improve the physical literacy of all people. Its policies and directions are worthy of in-depth study and may provide a reference for promoting the concept of physical literacy in our country. This study summarizes and organizes relevant literature through the British government's public information, and summarizes the following two points: 1. British physical literacy is an important direction for the country to promote sports and physical activities. It not only represents the official declaration, but also comes from the promotion of the House of Lords and the public. 2. The policy and promotion direction of physical literacy in the UK is through the joint efforts of government departments and partnerships. It is recommended that in the future, Taiwan should promote the improvement of the concept of physical literacy among Chinese people, reduce the number of sedentary times, and improve the quality and quantity of physical activity. The British physical literacy policy and direction are worth learning from Taiwan.
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