


COVID-19 Pandemic Management Plan and Subdivision Strategy: Experiences from A Medical Center in Southern Taiwan


楊佩瑄(Pei-Hsuan Yang);廖玉美(Yu-Mei Liao);李佳倫(Chia-Lun Lee);葉怡亨(I-Jeng Yeh);陳麗琴(Li-Chin Chen)


2019新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19) ; 防疫管理 ; 分艙分區分流 ; COVID-19 ; Pandemic prevention control ; Subdivision




10卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


113 - 126






We are currently facing a highly unpredictable global Epidemic caused by a new and previously unknown virus. Having a comprehensive pandemic control plan at the earliest stage has never been more important. The medical center where I work is part of the National Epidemic Control Network in southern Taiwan. Herein, I describe our experience. We fully implemented our epidemic prevention protocols before the first cases of COVID-19 pandemic appeared in the country. Our epidemic prevention management involved early planning, organization of resources and daily briefings to keep information totally transparent. Also, we set up clear guidelines on infection control and in dealing with suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients. Training was provided to all staff and ward managers, who then visited every unit to ensure the staff were able to follow the procedures as laid out. As the global pandemic unfolded, the Medical Center designed a set of standardized procedures to prevent nosocomial infection, avoiding the impact on services that hospitals provide. Through our early epidemic control interventions and later on through standardizing procedures in dealing with COVID-19 patients during a pandemic, our whole staff were made fully aware of the importance of infection control and consequently followed the strict guidelines. There were no nosocomial infections. Not only have we successfully avoided nosocomial infection, but we also significantly reduced our colleagues stress levels. I hope our experience with COVID-19 epidemic control can provide a valuable reference source for other hospitals and future epidemics.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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