


Team Teaching Approach in Medication Literacy Education in Middle School Students


許嘉芬(Chia-Fen Hsu);吳福森(Fu-Sen Wu);孫淑慧(Shu-Hui Sun)


用藥素養 ; 用藥教育 ; 國中學生 ; Medication literacy ; Pharmaceutical Education ; Middle school students




11卷1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


25 - 36




目的:探討藥師與校園健康教育教師共同設計國中學生用藥素養教育課程,並評價介入後對於學生用藥知識、態度、效能、素養影響。方法:本研究為準實驗設計,以2019年新北市某國中三年級學生共450人為對象,實驗組246人,對照組204人。實驗組進行問卷前後測及2堂45分鐘用藥素養教育課程教學,對照組只進行例行課程及問卷前後測,並以廣義估計方程式(Generalized Estimating Equations, GEE)進行教育介入後的結果分析。結果:用藥課程介入後,實驗組學生的用藥知識總平均分由前測0.45提升至0.73,用藥素養也由0.67分提升至0.86分,用藥態度與效能皆趨於正向,經GEE檢定,課程介入確實能顯著提升學生的用藥知識、態度、效能、素養。在課程回饋部份,實驗組學生表示在遊戲中學習用藥知識是有趣的,且願意將所學實際運用於生活中。結論:協同教學模式及教材可融入現行校園健康促進學校推動用藥安全主軸,提升整體學生用藥素養。


Objectives. This study aimed to develop medication literacy intervention using team teaching approach and evaluated its effect on medication knowledge, attitude, efficacy, and literacy among middle school students. Methods. Quasi-experimental design was used. A total of 450 (experimental group n=246, control group n=204) 9th grade students from New Taipei City completed pre and post questionnaire in 2019. The experimental group participated in medication literacy intervention, while the control group received routine curriculum. Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) was used to examine the effects. Results. After implementation of medication literacy intervention, the average score for general medication knowledge improved from 0.45 to 0.73 and the average score for medication literacy improved from 0.67 to 0.87 in the experimental. This results indicated a positive effect on efficacy and attitude. The GEE showed that the medication literacy intervention had improved students' medication knowledge, attitude, efficacy and literacy. Conclusion. It was suggested that schools could implement the team teaching approach and curriculum in the future as part of medication education promotion in middle school.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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