


The Effect of the Image of Chinese Medicine Clinic on Patient Loyalty-the Mediating Role of Perceived Value


蔡欣育(Shin-Yuh Tsai);劉庭妤(Ting-Yu Liu);張肇松(Chao-Sung Chang);黃英忠(Ing-Chung Huang)


診所形象 ; 知覺價值 ; 病患忠誠度 ; 聲譽 ; 中介作用 ; Clinic image ; Perceived value ; Patient loyalty ; Reputation ; Mediating role




11卷3期(2022 / 11 / 01)


29 - 43






Objectives. This research investigated the relationship among Chinese medicine clinic image, perceived value, patient loyalty, and the role of perceived value as a mediator on the relationship between traditional medical clinic image and patient loyalty. Methods. Two hundred and eighty seven patients with age of 18 and older visited Chinese medicine clinics in Kaohsiung area were enrolled for study. Statistical analysis including Cronbach's α, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were performed. We also tested hypotheses that patient's perceived value mediated the relationship between clinic image and patient loyalty. Results. Our results showed that (1) clinic image (reputation, accessibility, and patient-clinic relationship) had significant positive effect on Perceptual value (quality value and monetary value), (2) Clinic image (reputation, accessibility, and patient-clinic relationship) had significant positive effect on patient loyalty (recommend relatives and friends and willingness to return); (3) Perceived value (quality value) partially mediating effect between clinic image (reputation) and patient loyalty(recommend relatives and friends), (4) perceived value (quality value and monetary value) partially mediating effect between clinic image (reputation) and patient loyalty(willingness to return). Conclusion. Our study demonstrated the recommendation to relatives and friends and willingness to return visit of patient loyalty having different results between image and perceived value. It is interesting phenomenon and worth further study.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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