


A Study on the Digital Media Literacy of Senior High School Students and Vocational High School Students in Taitung County




章明哲(Ming-Che Chang);廖本裕(Ben-Yuh Liao)


媒體素養 ; 數位媒體素養 ; 部落格 ; Media literacy ; Digital media literacy ; Blogs




105期(2013 / 09 / 01)


21 - 39






There are few researches on the digital media literacy generated by science and technology in Taiwan. However, digital media has become part of our lives, especially for the youngsters who quickly adapt to pop culture. With regard to easy access of digital media content, the application of critical thinking and the proper use of digital media are worth exploring. This research uses blogs as the subject to explore the digital media literacy of senior high school students and vocational high school students in Taitung County. The findings are as follows: (1) Female students are superior to male students in terms of ”understanding digital media content” and ”assessing and criticizing digital media content.” (2) There is no significant difference between senior high school students and vocational school students when it comes to digital media literacy, but the former is superior to the latter in terms of ”assessing and criticizing digital media content.” (3) There is no significant difference between urban and rural senior high school students and vocational high school students in terms of ”digital media literacy.” (4) There is a correlation between ”time of using blogs” and ”digital media literacy” in ”assessing and criticizing the content of digital media,” ”analyzing and organizing media content” and ”creating digital media content;” and there is a high correlation between them in ”creating digital media content.”

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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