


How Do Preschoolers Read Picture Books? Eye Movement Analysis




邱淑惠(Shu-Hui Chiu);廖儷湘(Li-Hsiang Liao)


幼兒 ; 語言能力 ; 眼球運動 ; 閱讀 ; 繪本 ; Preschooler ; Language ability ; Eye movement ; Reading ; Picture book




109期(2014 / 12 / 01)


57 - 73




本文以「修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗」(Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised)篩選語文能力高、低幼兒代表各兩位(年齡介於6.2-6.7歲),以眼動儀觀察記錄這四位學前幼兒閱讀繪本《噗小弟》時的視覺焦點及視線軌跡,並比較兩組學前幼兒閱讀繪本時,凝視文字與圖畫區的時間比例、凝視各圖區之時間比例,以及描繪兩組幼兒閱讀繪本的視覺掃視歷程。研究發現語文能力較優幼兒,凝視圖、文的時間比例相近,閱讀圖片時,雖然會受到畫面的枝微末節吸引,但會關注重點圖區,且閱讀時的視線軌跡呈現文、圖交互參照的過程,亦能清楚說明繪本內容。語文能力較弱幼兒凝視圖區的時間比例較高,閱讀圖區時視覺焦點較關注於非重點區域,其視線軌跡大多在插圖的各部份移動,少有文、圖交互參照的掃視,也無法說明故事的重點。本文推測語文能力較優幼兒藉文字訊息引導其後續對插圖的閱讀,而語文能力較弱幼兒無法透過文字訊息的幫助以篩選插圖資訊,多依靠生活經驗解釋插圖,因此常有錯誤的理解。


The aim of this study was to explore preschoolers' visual focus while reading a picture book. Specifically, four young children, aged 6.2 to 6.7 years old, participated in this study. Among them, two scored above PR 90 and two scored below PR 50 in PPVT-R. Their eye movements were recorded while reading the selected book. Data indicated that the children scored higher in PPVT-R focus both on words and pictures while reading the selected book. When reading the pictures, they also paid more attention to the areas related to the main idea of the story. However, young children with poor language ability tended to read the pictures only, and paid more attention to trivial pictorial areas that not closely related to the subject of the book. When examining the visual paths of the preschoolers, young children with better language ability began by reading words and then focused on the corresponding pictures. From their responses to proposed questions, it seems that they comprehend the content of the picture book well. However, young children with poor language ability rarely began their reading by reading words. These children were attracted by areas not so related to the main idea of the story, and associate them with their daily experiences. Overall, children with different levels of language ability displayed distinct visual patterns while reading picture books.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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