


The Study of the Application of Facebook Group in Recurrent Vocational Education: Analysis of Users’ Perceptions and Online Usage Behavior




楊淇淯(Chi-Yu Yang);于富雲(Fu-Yun Yu)


回流教育 ; 技職教育 ; 科技接受模式 ; 媒體豐富度 ; 臉書社團 ; Recurrent education ; Vocational education ; Technology acceptance model ; Media richness theory ; Facebook group




111期(2015 / 08 / 31)


1 - 24




本研究旨探討技職體系假日回流教育班學生對臉書社團功能的使用觀感及參與者(教師與學生)的線上發文、閱讀、回文等使用行為。採問卷調查法及線上行為分析,經一整學期資訊科技融入教學活動,36 位參與者在期末問卷各題項勾選情形與描述性文字回應等量化與質化資料分析,發現4 項主要結果:一、參與學生對臉書社團作為不同教學用途之滿意度達顯著正面的看法;二、多數學生認同臉書社團下不同功能具學習助益性;三、參與學生對臉書社團功能做為教學輔助工具多持有正面情意感受與觀感;四、臉書社團功能的主要用途為跳脫傳統學習的時空限制,學習更便利與有效;分享討論,增加學習的深度與廣度;多媒體嵌融功能,有助於學習意義化與情境化的建立。另外,經由參與教師與學生的線上使用資料分析,發現5 項重要結果:一、臉書社團各功能有其運用需求,然各功能使用情形確有不同;二、教師與學生不同身分對臉書社團不同功能的使用情形確有不同;三、部分功能感知與行為呈現一致的現象,然部分功能有個人經驗感知與行為兩者間存在不一致的情形;四、教師配合教學在不同單元的發文情形較趨一致,然學生則出現不同單元發文情形差異較大的現象;五、教師與學生多能就發文進行閱讀,然能進一步回文的情形有待提升,以提升個人知識網路結構的精緻化。文末,根據研究發現,提出本研究限制以及教學與未來研究建議。


This study aimed to explore the perceptions and online usage behavior of undergraduate students enrolling in recurrent vocational education with regard to the use of Facebook Group in instruction and learning. A total of 36 students participated for a whole semester. Data sources included participants’ response to an end-of-session questionnaire (including Likert scale, checklist, open-ended question types) and online usage data (in terms of posting, reading and replying). Four major findings were obtained, based on descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and constant comparison method done on the data collected via the questionnaire. First, one-group t-test revealed that the participants felt significantly positively about the use of Facebook Group to support different aspects of teaching practices. Second, the majority of participants agreed with the learning supportiveness of various functions offered in Facebook Group. Third, participants generally exhibited positive affective responses toward the use Facebook Group in instruction and learning. Fourth, the main functions of Facebook Group, as revealed in participants’ descriptive comments, were convenience and efficacy with it’s time and space-independence; promotion of the depth and breadth of knowledge acquisition with its ease of information-sharing among group-members; and enabling meaningfulness and learning contextualization with its multimedia inclusion capability. Five more findings were obtained from participants’ online usage data. First, the use of Facebook Group’s various functions varied. Second, the use of Facebook Group’s various functions varied between teachers and students. Third, inconsistencies existed between students’ perceived usefulness and actual online usage. Fourth, postings in different units remained consistent for the teacher, but varied for students. Fifth, reading postings was quite prevalent for the teacher and students alike, yet replying to postings was less frequent and could be expected more in light of its educational value for knowledge construction. Limitations of this study and suggestions for instruction and future studies are offered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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