


The Teaching Process of Guiding Elementary Students to Participate in Social Issues through Mobile Devices: Take Farmhouse Issue in Taiwan for Example




游政男(Yu, Cheng-Nan)


數位說故事 ; 行動學習 ; 概念構圖 ; 故事線 ; Digital storytelling ; Mobile learning ; Concept mapping ; Storyline




114期(2016 / 08 / 31)


21 - 42




本研究目的為一位教師應用行動載具之概念構圖輔助國小學生,以數位說故事的方式探討當地農舍議題,學生使用行動載具的可攜特性、影音、概念構圖功能,配合農舍議題之公民參與、社會實踐、故事線創意特質,完成一個命名為「2015 宜蘭農舍選擇題」之短片的教學歷程。研究方法以敘事研究,對一連貫脈絡發生事件之意義探求的方式,收集包括時間、文本順序、脈絡,與過程中對各方聲音、詮釋與反思的資料。研究發現教師能透過行動載具的軟硬體協助,以及小學生特有的邏輯,產出生、師、行動載具的共同建構架構,完成以法規、自然人文影響、農業政策與農民處境等四個方向探討之十五分鐘農舍議題探討短片。


The study focused on the process of teaching elementary students to explore local farmhouses and to digitally tell stories about the houses using concept mapping with mobile devices. Students made use of the features of mobile devices such as portability, video filming, and concept mapping. A digital story named "2015 Yi-lan Farmhouse Choices" was created which concerned about citizen participation, social practice, and storyline creativity. A narrative research method was used that perused the meaning of context of coherent occurrences. Data such as time order, text sequencing, contexts, and participants' viewpoints were collected. In the study, the researcher found that, with the assistance of the hardware and software of mobile devices, the teacher was able to guide elementary students through the process of producing a film following students' logical thinking. Mobile devices could help students and teachers to accomplish the whole teaching process in appropriate arrangement. Students and the teacher could co-construct a short film discussing farmhouse issues in four dimensions: laws, natural and human impact, agricultural policies and farmers' plight.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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