


Analysis and Research on Students Professional Technique Competency in E-Book Production by Open Courseware




廖信(Liao, Shin);羅偉誠(Lo, Wei-Cheng);柯亭羽(Ko, Ting-Yu)


科技接受模式 ; 電子書製作 ; 開放式課程 ; 專業技術能力 ; Technology acceptance model ; E-book production ; Open courseware ; Professional technique competency




119期(2018 / 12 / 31)


15 - 31




隨著數位出版產業蓬勃發展,發現目前設計相關類科學生之電子書製作能力表現有明顯差異。為此,本研究利用DACUM(developing a curriculum)專家會議之方式,發展「電子書製作」開放式課程內容,並利用科技接受模式探索課程之適用性。課程適用性之研究結果顯示知覺易用性對於知覺有用性有顯著影響,而行為意圖則受使用態度影響,進而產生變化。因此,「電子書製作」開放式課程,對於設計相關類科學生專業實務技能學習,具有一定程度之適用性。


Along with the vigorous development of the digital publishing industry, researchers have found that there are significant differences in the ability of making e-books in design department. For this reason, DACUM (Developing a Curriculum) is used in this research to develop a series of "e-book production open courseware". And then use the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explore the applicability of the course. The results show that perceived ease of use has significant effects on perceived usefulness, and behavioral intention is changed by the influences of user attitudes. Therefore, "e-book production open courseware" is useful for the design student's practical skills learning of e-book production to a certain extent.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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