


Effect of an Augmented Reality-Based Jigsaw Learning System on Learning Effectiveness, Learning Motivation, and Learning Interest




陳志洪(Chen, Zhi Hong);李佳穎(Li, Carolina Elena);齊珮芸(Chi, Pei-Yun)


情境學習 ; 拼圖 ; 擴增實境 ; Situated learning ; Jigsaw puzzles ; Augmented reality




123期(2020 / 08 / 31)


21 - 38






During the process of learning, humans acquire knowledge and skills. Relevant literature has indicated that situated learning facilitates learning by providing a complete concept and a macro-structure, and then organizing the context of knowledge through a situated environment. Therefore, this study proposed a jigsaw learning system that uses augmented reality technology to provide two levels of learning assistance. First, the jigsaw puzzle provides the overall knowledge structure and learning context, allowing students to independently explore, organize, and integrate the context. Second, the integration of augmented reality facilitates learning by offering detailed knowledge through macro and micro knowledge links. This study recruited 49 second-grade students from junior high schools as the research subjects. Two experimental groups comprising two classes of students were compared to evaluate the impact of augmented reality-based jigsaw learning systems on learning effectiveness, learning motivation, and learning interest. The findings suggested that the proposed learning system could be applied to real teaching environments and could positively influence learning effectiveness, learning motivation, and learning interest.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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