As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, comprehensive online learning replaced traditional classroom instruction to enable continued learning without interruption. This study investigated the preferences and learning effects of different online learning modes among elementary school children as well as parents' responses and opinions regarding children's online learning during the school closure period in 2021. An electronic questionnaire survey was conducted, and 510 valid questionnaires were collected from elementary school parents in Nantou County, Taiwan. The main findings of this study were as follows. First, the parents observed that, although the elementary students enjoyed different online learning modes, the effect of online learning was generally limited. Among the parents, those with a lower household income and who lived in rural areas thought that the effect of asynchronous online learning was significantly higher for their children than those with a higher household income and who lived in towns. Second, 38% of parents did not have someone available to assist with their children's online learning. Assisting their children in online learning was difficult, because no adequate equipment or suitable learning environment was available, and because the parents lacked online learning skills. They thus required more support from schools. Third, the parents expected their children to have more direct online interaction with teachers and were interested in participating in an empowerment program to learn to support their children's online learning. According to the study results, the following suggestions are proposed: First, teachers should adopt both synchronous and asynchronous online learning designs. Second, relevant institutions should provide courses for parents to enhance their competence in assisting their children with online learning. Third, schools and relevant institutions should provide the corresponding support to disadvantaged families that experience difficulties and have specific needs for their children's online learning.
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