


"Slow" Process Good Taste: A Study of Slow Food Development in the Rift Valley Area, Taitung County




劉襄群(Hsiang-Chun Liu);江昱仁(Yu-Jen Chiang)


慢食 ; 在地飲食 ; 飲食文化 ; 飲食觀光 ; Slow food ; Local cuisine ; Food culture ; Food tourism




10卷2期(2019 / 07 / 01)


1 - 44






The Rift Valley Area in Taitung County is an area that has been entirely free from factory pollution, abundance in clean nature, and distinctively features a fusion of multi-ethnic groups. Since 2012, Taitung Government has promoted it as the area for "The Project of a Single Person's Table of Origin," namely, the birthplace of Taitung "Slow Food". It is important to understand the business development of project participatants in this area. The main purpose of this study is to investigate: the attitude of interviewees who participated in this project before and after the participations; Challenges and difficulties encountered in the process, issues linked to local small-scale farmers, Perceived impacts produced after participating in this project. The data were collected from in-depth interview from nine interviewees who are business owners participating in this project and pragmatically operating stores within the Taitung Rift Valley area. Main results are as follows: 1. As the time for project counseling increased, the interviewees gradually learned the meaning of slow food. 2. The attitude of interviewees transformed from the wait-and-see and personal benefit orientation into the understanding of land production ethics and the connection between cuisine and local culture. 3. In the face of the challenges, in addition to the cost increase and profit decline caused by changes in business operation, the acquisition of local ingredients in cooperation with local small scale farmers is the main issue. Though the running-in process was happened, the connection between local small scale farmers and interviewed business operators was gradually established. 4. It is shown that the identity of local production environment and ethnic identity were promoted, and the cusine could be used as an intermediary to understand ethnic culture after the participation in the project. In economic terms, it is shown that the alternative industrial networks were formed and the weekdays- business opportunities were also increased. In social terms, it is shown that the promotion of enthusiasm for local cognition, and "believe" relationship among people.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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