


The Influence of Organizational Support on Teacher's Customer-Oriented Behavior-Mediating Role of Psychological Contract Abstract




張靜雲(Jing-Yun Chang)


組織支持 ; 心理契約 ; 顧客導向行為 ; organizational support ; customer-oriented behavior ; psychological contract




8期(2012 / 01 / 01)


81 - 105






Organizational support is an important factor that influences employees' work attitude and behavior. In this study, the work attitude is focused on the customer-oriented behavior of teachers when they interact with student's parents. Besides, this study proposes ”psychological contract” as a mediator to verify its mediating role on the impact of organizational support on teacher's customer-oriented behavior.The study is based on the formal teachers in public elementary schools in Kaohsiung County and there are 362 valid questionnaires acquired through purposive sampling method. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to test confirmatory factor analysis and analyze the path of the potential variables. The results are that perceived organizational support has significantly positive influence on teacher's psychological contract, and psychological contract also has significantly positive influence on teacher's customer-oriented behavior. In addition, the study also finds that organizational support has influence on teacher's customer-oriented behavior through psychological contract.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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