


The Relationship between Personality Traits and Organizational Commitment of Hospital Volunteers




蕭伊珊(Yi-Shan Hsiao);林哲瑩(Che-Ying Lin);周翰維(Han-Wei Chou);鄭晏甄(Joyce Yen-Chen Cheng)


醫院志工 ; 人格特質 ; 組織承諾 ; Hospital volunteer ; personality traits ; organizational commitment




23期(2019 / 03 / 01)


137 - 159






Volunteer workers are indispensable key personnel in the hospital. However, the challenges for recruiting hospital volunteers are the difficulties in work training, high turnover rate, unsatisfaction in employee benefit distribution, unwillingness for following hospital standards, and complaint about hospital. Therefore, how to recruit, select, assess and retain appropriate volunteers for hospital work is an important issue for hospital volunteer service management. The key aim of this study is to explore the key factors which influence the organizational commitment of hospital volunteers, in order to assist the hospital to recruit and manage the volunteers. This study conducts questionnaires to explore demographic variables of hospital volunteers and to investigate the influence of personality traits on organizational commitment. 211 effective questionnaires were collected from hospital volunteers in one of the medical centers in Taichung. The data were analyzed by statistic methods, including Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation, One-Way ANOVA, Canonical Correlation Analysis, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The finding is that hospital volunteers who score high in conscientiousness and extraversion but low in neuroticism demonstrate higher level in organizational commitment. However, the higher the educational level of the hospital volunteers, the lower the organizational commitment. Therefore, conscientious, extraverted but non-neurotic personnel are priority choice when selecting hospital volunteers. When people with higher level of education are recruited, bilateral communication should be applied in order to elevate workers' organizational commitment at the same time fulfill their satisfaction for volunteer work.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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