


The Reliability, Validity and Measurement Equivalence of the Social Behavior Assessment System for Preschool-Parent Rating Scale


蔡明富(Ming-Fu Tsai);吳裕益(Yuh-Yih Wu);莊涵皓(Han-Hao Chuang)


學前兒童 ; 社會行為評量 ; 家長評量 ; 測量恆等性 ; Preschooler ; social behavior assessment ; parent rating ; measurement equivalence




34期(2013 / 06 / 01)


103 - 128




目前國內雖有編製評估學前兒童之社會行為量表,然其量表之測量恆等性議題, 卻甚少被留意,且「學前兒童社會行為評量系統」(包括教師評量表及家長評量表)將運用於4-6歲學前兒童之社會行為評估,以利及早發現情緒行為問題之幼兒,為使此評量工具結果兼具可靠性與有效性,有必要對其信、效度做更多的檢驗。本研究目的在以結構方程模式評估「學前兒童社會行為評量系統」(家長評量表)之信效度考驗及性別群體測量恆等性分析。研究對象為臺灣地區481位家長針對其學前孩子為受試對象進行調查研究。結果發現:1.在信度方面,家長評量表符合個別項目信度與潛在變項組合信度之標準,故具有良好之信度。2.在效度方面,家長評量表符合聚斂效度與模式適合度之各項標準,故具有良好之效度。3.家長評量表符合性別群體測量恆等性的檢定,表示該量表具有跨性別的可靠性及有效性。


The main purposes of this research were to evaluate the reliability, validity and measurement equivalence of the Social Behavior Assessment System for Preschool--Parent Rating Scale (SBASP-PRS). Parents of 481 preschool age children aged 4 through 6 years were included in this study. The data gathered were processed by Structural Equation Modeling. The results of this research are stated as follows: (a)By utilizing Structural Equation Modeling to examine the theoretical model, we found that goodness of fit was good. (b)The SBASP-PRS provided good quality of the reliability and the validity. (c)The measurement equivalence of the SBASP-PRS was good by the test of multi-group analysis. According to the results, this study suggests the practical use of SBASP-PRS and recommends it for the future research.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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